Need a SalesForce developer on-demand?

Vetted and experienced SalesForce developers available to help with your project today. 


On-Demand SalesForce Developers

Take the worry out of hiring a SalesForce Developer. We already did the work for you! 

Talent Consulting

Need help determining what team you need? How to hire them? Work with one of our founders on the solution. 

Outsourced SalesForce development

Our sister company, East Rock Software is ready to take on your project big or small. 

Stephen Robinson, PhD.  
CTO & Co-Founder 

Steve has over 20 years of experience building technology and hiring teams. His experience ranges from patenting a novel security and authentication system for the wireless industry, leading the development of mission-critical business applications for the world's leading corporate jet aircraft company (NetJets Inc.), to being awarded featured project of the month by Google. Steve brings this expertise to Sourcing Science where he acts as CTO. 

Michael Newcomer, PhD. 
Head of Recruitment & Co-Founder

Michael understands the challenges of hiring world class technology talent having done it at two of the world's most prestigious hedge funds (D. E. Shaw and Point72). He brings this expertise to Sourcing Science where he leads our recruitment efforts and is available to partner with clients on their talent needs as well. 

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